The agricultural estate Venturini Baldini was founded in 1976 on a historic estate in the hills between Parma and Reggio Emilia, in the province of Reggio Emilia. The hills reach an altitude of 370 metres and provide an excellent microclimate to grow vines, with the sun breaking the winter fog and cool greens tempering the summer heats. The 130-hectare estate, comprising 30 hectares of vineyards as well as woods and pastures, was one of the first in Emilia Romagna to obtain an organic certification.
The estate is not only part of splendid naturalistic scenery, but has also a rich historical heritage. Built on Matildic foundations, the current Villa Manodori dates back to the early 16th century, and still today recalls the ancient glories of the noble families who called it home, from the Marquises Fontanelli, to the Counts Galliani, the Counts Ancini, and finally in the 19th century, as residence of the Marquis Manodori.
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